Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our Very First Outing For 2010..!!

Folks, as you know, we're gonna get to the top of Pelindung Hill this Sunday, and here's a reminder about it..!

So don't forget to bring along spare clothes, sufficient supply of H20 and some snacks............ enough to share with everyone. Just joking.

So see you this Sunday..! God bless you all..!


Monday, January 18, 2010

A Mini Seminar: 7 Reasons Why the Bible is God's Word by Brother Jason Fong

Have you ever wondered how to face difficult questions regarding your faith? Or maybe persecutions? How about your own doubts regarding what you've been believing in? Or are you just curious about the Bible, curious to know something you might never come upon when you read His Word?

Then, you've gotta attend this mini seminar, entitled:

"7 Reasons Why the Bible is God's Word"

Date: 24th January 2010
Time: 11A.M.
Venue: Kuantan Presbyterian Center

Conducted by Brother Jason Fong from the Scripture Union, we believe you would learn more about apologetics and get to know how to defend your faith..! Are you on?


Sunday, January 3, 2010


A new year can mean something to everyone. Frustration, hope, a change, or maybe something no one knows but you. Anyway, would you like to tell everyone what does 2010 mean to you..?

Drop us a reply. We'd be glad to hear from you. Happy schooling. =D
