Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jeremy Talks About Apologetics

So I'm sure most of us here heard of the word apologetics.

Apologetics is NOT about apologizing. Apologetics is NOT something to replace our faith in Lord Jesus Christ. Apologetics is NOT JUST about defending our faith.

So what is this apologetics..??

My definition of apologetics is "presentation of facts in order to defend faith in Christianity with the determination to try win over the hearts of non-believers by presenting facts and evidences, yet with full of respect and polite in the process of countering questions of those who question in a doubtious or challenging manner."

We should know at least a bit about apologetics, for in the Bible itself says,

"15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. " -- 1 Peter 3: 15-16

So allow me to propose a question to you.

What do you understand about apologetics..?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

God Knows..!

Have you ever experienced this;
You are about to buy something.
That something has a variety of choices.
You liked 1 of the variety, but it exceeds your budget.
Then you "SMS" God for His guidance at that very moment, "Lord, which one would You like me to have, this one or.. that one..?"
You did not His reply yet, so you continue looking at the other available choices.
And.. voila..!
You found the one that suits your taste..! And guess what, the price is just nice as well, not exceeding your budget.
Then you happily purchased it and bring it home, feeling blessed.

At home,
as you're reading that something you bought,
A thought suddenly came in,
"Suits my taste and does not exceed my budget. I'm so blessed."
Then another thought came in.

"God knows everything that you need, for He is the Provider."

What I'm trying to point out here is, no matter what we need or what we're facing, God knows, God leads and God provides. Yes, he truly does..! I'm sure you must have experienced this kind of incident too, right..?

I hope this short so-called testimony of mine clearly shows that God is our beeeeeest friend.. owh, and shopping partner as well. May the Lord continue to guide all of us throughout our daily lives. =D
